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Our online shopping site, elvan.com.tr, sells the products of the world's distinguished brands in addition to the products produced by the Elvan brand itself. Apart from the imported chocolate, biscuit and confectionery products that come to mind first, chips are also available on our website. The “Chips” sub-category under the “Imported Products” main category includes chips, as can be guessed from its name. When you visit the aforementioned sub-category, you can see the information that is curious about online shopping such as chips types, chips sales prices, product images, stock status, contents. Apart from this information, you can forward all your questions to us via the contact information (options) on our website.

How to make potato chips? What are the types of chips?

Potato chips are generally obtained by frying thinly cut potato pieces in hot oil until they become brittle. It is a type of snack that can be consumed by sprinkling salt and (or) optional spices on it and increasing its flavor.

When chips are mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is potato chips. Apart from potato chips, it can be said that corn chips, which have recently become as popular as him. Recently, besides potato chips and corn chips, options such as chickpea chips and onion chips are also offered to consumers. Apart from the type of product it is made of, other types of chips are also available in the market. Examples of these are spicy chips, cheese chips, onion flavored chips, sea salt chips, and sauce chips.

When you examine the "Chips" sub-category on our online shopping site, you can see a variety of chips with unique shapes and flavors. An example of this type of chips is the Grand Potato Chips product of the Bar Snacks brand.

How can I order chips?

It is very easy to order the chips product, just like the other products listed on our site. You can add the desired chips product to your cart by specifying the quantity. Then, after adding the desired quantity and variety of products to your cart, you can proceed with the simple steps of purchasing. In these steps, you add information such as address information, shipping information. After adding the necessary information and following the steps, you come to the order summary. Here, you can examine information about the order such as the price of chips (if any, the prices of other products), product types, total basket amount. At this step, you can complete the product purchase process by paying for the basket.

After the order is created, your order is sent to our system. This incoming order information is carefully prepared by authorized personnel and packed within the deadline. Your prepared package is delivered to our contracted cargo company and is on its way to reach you.

Can I buy wholesale?

In addition to retail, wholesale is also available on our site. After creating a membership as a dealer, purchases can be made in parcels or palletized quantities. If you need additional information for wholesale and retail purchases, you can reach us from the contact information on our website.
