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Nuss Wafer 18 Gr. 24 Pieces (1 Box)
97.90 TL
88.88 TL
Last 2 Product


In terms of product variety, the "Wafer - Biscuit" category comes first among the rich main categories of the Elvan brand. There are biscuit and wafer varieties in this main category. Coated wafer is a type of wafer in this main category. When you visit the “Coated Wafer” sub-category, you can see the wafer list prices, discount sales prices, wafer images, and stock wafers. When you enter the products, you can also examine the product contents.

What are the types of wafers?

In gastronomy, wafer is defined as a kind of very thin, dry, flat and generally sweet biscuit. There are three different types of wafers available on our online shopping site, elvan.com.tr. These wafer types are coated wafer, rolled wafer and uncoated wafer products. Coated and uncoated wafers are named according to whether there is a coating such as chocolate or cream. Rolled wafer, on the other hand, is a type of wafer with a different wafer structure and a roll shape.

What are coated wafers?

Coated wafers can generally be defined as wafers coated with a coating product, such as chocolate or cream, on the wafer layers. Coated wafer varieties are listed in the "Coated Wafer" subcategory under the "Wafer - Biscuit" main category on our site. In this category mentioned, there are single coated wafers and packaged coated wafers. In addition, when this sub-category is visited, you can see the sales prices of coated wafers, product types, wafer stocks, product images and other curious information.

How to place an order on our online site elvan.com.tr?

It is recommended that you create a membership on our site so that you can be informed about the advantages in your orders and easily follow the orders you place. After you create a membership, you can add the coated wafer types you want to your shopping cart. After that, you can follow the steps regarding the purchase and come to the breakdown of your basket. Here you can see the types, quantities, list prices (discounted prices, if any) and total basket amount of the wafers in your basket. At this step, you can pay for your cart. After the payment reaches us, your order reaches our relevant department and your order collection process begins. After your cargo is prepared, it is delivered to the contracted cargo company within the deadline.

Two different memberships can be created on our site. The first of these is the retail membership, which provides the opportunity to purchase single or boxed, and the dealer membership, which offers the opportunity to purchase in boxes or pallets. For all your questions about these two membership types, you can reach and forward them from the contact information on our website.

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